You buy access to Staffing Shark in blocks of 25 users. If your staff grows, you can add another block at any time; if your staff shrinks, you can downsize as well.
Staffing Shark essentially runs itself, but there is a bit of set up involved on our end, and we want to be there to assist you when you need help. An initial fee equivalent to one month’s charge is required.
Staffing Shark is a monthly contract, and you can cancel the service at any time. But for those clients who sign up for and pay for a one-year subscription on an annual basis, we will waive the start-up costs. That’s an immediate 8% savings.
How many users do I need?
Users are defined as active employees entered into the system and non-employees who need access to the site.
When an employee is no longer employed, you may remove his/her access to the site while still retaining the information by designating the staff member as “inactive.” This designation will not count toward your user total.